We are thrilled to announce the results of the Third International Invention and Innovation Competition for IFIA INV Members, a remarkable event that celebrated the brilliance of inventors worldwide. This report highlights the key details and achievements of the competition, which showcased groundbreaking inventions from participants representing 36 countries. The Third International Invention and Innovation Competition for IFIA INV Members attracted a remarkable participation of inventors from around the globe. Over 830 revolutionary inventions were submitted by individuals hailing from diverse nations, including the USA, Canada, Australia, Morocco, Indonesia, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Qatar, Bahrain, the UK, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, and Poland. This extensive range of submissions demonstrated the international reach and diversity of innovative ideas.

From August 20 to 22, 2023, the Third International Competition for Inventors and Innovators, specifically INV members of IFIA, took place in a virtual setting. The entire event was seamlessly hosted online, allowing participants to present their inventions and innovations remotely. To participate, inventors were required to submit their INV membership certificate, a detailed registration form, and a concise 3-5 minute video exposition of their invention. This well-structured procedure ensured a meticulous evaluation process by the IFIA adjudicators, enabling them to assess the innovations with precision and efficiency.

Under the guidance of Ms. Mahsa Eskandari, the Creative and Innovative Mindset Team made a significant impact in this international arena. The team presented 22 remarkable inventions and innovations in various fields, including transportation, medical engineering, electronics, agriculture, mechanics, and more. The team’s active participation showcased their commitment to pushing the boundaries of creativity and contributing to advancements in multiple industries.

The outcomes of the competition were truly exceptional, with the Creative and Innovative Mindset Team achieving remarkable success. Their inventive prowess was recognized with a total of 22 medals, including 5 gold, 9 silver, and 8 bronze. These medals symbolize the team’s dedication, hard work, and innovative thinking, making them a standout presence in the competition.

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